The goal of this workshop is to build clinical confidence with minor office procedures commonly encountered in primary care. You should leave feeling confident to integrate these skills into practice (and impress your patients and colleagues)!
The course outline includes advanced suturing (6 techniques), anesthesia for procedures (field blocks and digital blocks), skin biopsy (3 techniques), incision and drainage, subungual hematoma, nail avulsion and wedge resection, epidermoid cyst and lipoma removal, bursitis and ganglion cyst.
The workshop is designed to be hands-on with lots of creative exercises that help simulate clinical situations for practicing skills.
You will leave at the end of the day with a spiral notebook of all the slides which can act as a clinic resource (at least until someone in the office steals it)!
Pricing: $750 +HST
This workshop covers the same topics as our in-person Minor Office Procedures workshop, delivered to you on the go. Whether at home or in the office you will have access to all the modules for six months.
As part of registration you will have access to up to three Zoom calls with an instructor for a chance to ask questions and review skills for live feedback.
This workshop is interactive! We have specially designed exercises that follow along with the workshop so you have a chance to practice all the skills presented. On registration a procedure kit will be mailed to you.
Please note this workshop is non-refundable.
Pricing: $750 +HST