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The Joint Injections Workshop is a comprehensive one day workshop that provides the foundational knowledge and technical skill necessary to start performing joint injections in primary care.  

Providers will review pharmacology, indications for steroid injections, patient considerations, procedural contraindications, and possible complications.  The workshop will also cover safe landmarking strategies and injection techniques for common locations and conditions.  


Locations include the following:  shoulder (2 techniques), knee (two techniques) ,CMC/MCP/MTP joints, epicondylitis, trigger finger, plantar fasciitis, greater trochanter syndrom, carpal tunnel syndrome, De Quervain's tenosynovitis, Morton's neuroma, keloid and chalazion.  


Hands on practice with “life-like” silicone models to reinforce land-marking and injection technique.​

You will leave at the end of the day with a spiral notebook of all the slides which can act as a clinical resource (at least until someone in the office steals it)!

Pricing: $750 +HST 

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